Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Bad Hair Day
musician & passionate songwriter // recording & writing music for 18+ years // san diego music award winner 2017
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I'm starting out, so I offer great sound at a great price! Music is an experience and you should be able to feel it the same way as the artist does.
I'm a producer, engineer, artist, and musician currently employed at Mix Master Pro Studios based out of Northern Virginia. Piano is my forte, and any of my services are immediately available with flexible prices.
As a singer songwriter I can take any style and make it my own! With Hooks that get stuck in your head I deliver an undeniable sound! You can check out my music right on my website! www.prejonsings.com/music SATISFACTION GUARANTEED!
Hi My name is Alexis Mixail, which is also my Artist Name. I produce Mix & Master electronic dance music for more than 10 years of experience. My Music has been supported by the likes of: Paul Van Dyk, Darren Porter, Roger Shah, M.I.K.E Push, Photographer to name a few.
Put your music and vision in the hands of an innovator who absolutely loves sound. Someone who listens to all genres of music. Someone who prefers quality over quantity. Someone who is a student of music scaling back through every era (50's,60's,70's,80's,90's,00's, etc.) You've come to the right place,with the right tools including Waves and more!
I sing, write and produce every single genre of music with proficiency. I stand alone when it comes to vocal ability range and uniqueness. I'm professional in all business aspects and deliver everything in a timely manner cause i am the studio owner, engineer and the singer and songwriter. My peers of grammy award producers and writers respect me
Dedicated to creating quality sound through an artistic vision. 9 years of experience in audio engineering, music production, and songwriting.
Music Mixing/Mastering. I breathe life into your music.
Recent Successes
"This project was very important to me. The song is a tribute to my younger brother who recently passed away - John really took this on and produced a sound that captured the emotional intent I was looking for. Speed ..."
"Sunnie is an incredible vocalist and a gifted lyricist. She captured the emotion and essence of what I was going for and clearly reflected it in her singing and lyric writing. Sunnie was responsive and I highly recomm..."
"I really enjoyed working with CA. He was diligent, patient (with my lack of knowledge with song arrangements:) and overall did a great job with the song. He basically took a voice memo of my lyrics and made a beautifu..."
"Went on a fairly random search for a vocalist for a new track, came across Chloe, loved the sound of her voice and decided to see what she would do with the song. It turned out amazing. Very cool vibe, and great to wo..."
"Mark was extremely professional and efficient with his work. I was completely satisfied with the masters he delivered for my EP and I would recommend him to anyone looking to polish their music!"
"Trevor was great to work with and I would recommend him as a mastering engineer. He achieved an excellent outcome on his first run through. I appreciated the experience of working with him and overall believe that I a..."
"Amazing guy. He always manage to bring out that-little-extra which is hard to articulate. Every time I've gotten back his masters I'm mindblown by the fact that he seems to have some kind of telepathy in terms of unde..."