Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with club is jumpin' by alok
A versatile pop vocalist, songwriter, and topliner who has provided vocals on projects by some of the world’s top EDM DJs (Alok, Pascal Letoublon) as well as her personal musical project.
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I'm a mastering engineer, after many years working in Nashville, TN, I have relocated to Portland Oregon where I master at my new studio. I have plenty of major label and indie credits to my name and I strive to provide high quality, affordable mastering. Additionally, I am able to provide Atmos mixing and mastering!
Afro-Brazilian, Latin, Folk grooves with distictive vintage double-bass sound for your project!
Musical and powerful rock drummer, and Ableton operator playback tech available for touring worldwide
Marco Vernice is a Zimbabwean singer, rapper, and songwriter. His is designed to be impactful and educating yet soulful and entertaining. The inspiration to his lyricism is drawn from his life experiences and surroundings.
I'm a Los Angeles-based mixing engineer and graduate of the Clive Davis Institute at NYU, where I practiced under GRAMMY-award-winning sound engineers. I've mixed songs for artists with 100k+ fans and offer professional-sounding mixes and vocal production at flexible, artist-friendly prices.
Well, I started with EDM production back in 2018. I am an independent hip hop artist rn. Thats where my life took me! Im here for making a lil bit of money but im more into love for the music. I can Sing, Rap, produce music( mostly hip hop but can give you alot of genres) Lets work together because i wanna help my community grow. -ARC
Remote session drummer creating groovy drum parts for your songs within my bespoke drum studio.
Affordable and negotiable mixing; fast and reliable.
Recent Successes
"well, I'm short of Words, cause more then Glad working with Joram Pinxteren, the Man I called J-P THE MAGNIFICENT, he's truly a Professional who knows his Craft very well, God Sent. if y'all an Independent Musician, o..."
"Assadook is a tremendous talent and a pleasure to work with!"
"Very prompt service and excellent results, highly recommend."
"Mercedes is clearly a very experienced player and composer - top shelf parts and very good arrangement sensibility. Very much looking forward to working with her more!"
"I sent Chad my file unblind and he nailed it 100% to the T RECOMENDED100% ill be back for sure "
"Another great production with Killian!! Premium quality."
"Markiss is an absolute luminary in the world of music. Partnering with him was like stepping into a realm of musical enchantment, where his legendary status and unparalleled prowess truly shine. He stands as the very ..."
"Shelley H. is a wonderful topliner, and extremely passionate about the artist's goal/vision. She is very kind, honest and professional, and delivers beyond her committed time without sacrificing quality. Loved workin..."
"I've never worked on anything that had been mastered to this high degree. Everyone hears things differently but to my ears his sound is more smooth, dimesional, and flattering than most. That translates to being "easi..."