Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Delja
With 15+ years in music/entertainment, I specialize in production, composition, sound design, and mixing/mastering. I've collaborated globally, excelling in diverse genres. I've consistently released unique music under my name since 2018 and have a successful techno side project in India. Let's elevate your music and bring your vision to life.
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Born and raised in Belgium, Wes moved to London to start engineering in 1998, returning to live here in 2003. He's been a visiting lecturer in Audio Technology at City of Westminster College and has built a client base for freelance recording, mixing, mastering and live work.
Open to co-writing Jazz, Blues, Country, Western Swing, Bluegrass, Novelty & Adult Contemporary songs.
Working in any style of music as a musician and composer. Real life symphonic orchestra? Check. Indie Rock? Check. Blues, Jazz, World, Classical? Check all. Music Production and mastering for CD, DVD and Streaming since 1995 (believe it or not).
-Producer of Grammy nominated album (Bombino - 'Deran') and over a dozen other major album producer credits -Hip-hop producer/beat maker -Bass player, toured with Fred Wesley, Pee Wee Ellis, Vieux Farka Toure, Bombino. -Piano, guitar, bass and percussion since way back "Funk isn't a kind of music, music is a kind of funk"
FVV PRESS ESPAÑA - Noticias y novedades sobre el mundo. Economía, empresas, actualidad, sociedad, ocio.
Charles and Alyssa Hoffman are a husband and wife power couple—he's a full-time producer and audio engineer, and she makes her living as a singer. With a professionally sound-treated home studio at their disposal, packed with top-of-the-line recording gear, these two lovebirds are ready to help you add commercial-grade vocals to your next project.
Giving your tracks a live feel with a realistic sounding horn section, I take your tracks from good to great. I have become proficient in taking my own productions to the next level using an virtual instrument brass section that can play anything.
Rock Pop Musician, Beatmaker, Producer, Mix&Master.
Recent Successes
"Corey is now my go to guy. Gets things done and sounds great!"
"The best producer / musician / artist around. GEKKO transforms your vision into reality and is always open to ideas / feedback. "
"Great guy!"
"Ofo is easily one of the best producers I've worked with on the Soundbetter platform: he's dedicated, sincere, hard working and he always strives to deliver exactly what's needed for the task. Amazing!!"
"Jordan is amazing to work with and quick to respond. Very professional and his vocal takes are super easy to work with and excellently recorded! Highly recommend!!"
"Alex is hard working, easy going, and talented at his craft. I've had mastering done on quite a few songs by him at this point, and some of those songs have been signed to labels. He's a great option to put that final..."
"Darren is a great professional and it's a pleasure to work with him. He lays down great initial vocal tracks, very creative re harmonies, scats, etc and if there are any tweaks, he makes them quickly and they are per..."