Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Hardbone
WARPATH - Guitar TEMPLE OF THE ABSURD - Guitar BLACK WATER COMPLEX - Guitar HAMMER DEICH - Bass+Keys+Guitar Producer and Studio owner since 1993 Songwriter Remixer Remote Mixer Recording and Mastering engineer
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I am a session drummer, music producer and mixing engineer based in Boston/MA US. Experienced in producing artists my deal is to work on all production stages to turn good music in great tracks. I Produce Drum Tracks and Mixed/Mastered tracks on my home Studio.
Specializing in Producing: Heavy Metal / Rock / Hip Hop / Band Music (Americana). If you are looking to hire a top level professional Producer, Songwriter, Mixer, or mastering engineer, look no further. Let's change the way you hear yourself!
17 years of experience no mater what mic you used I’ll have you vocals Perfect 🤞🏽 Daw Protools send me the session quick turn around
Known for his unique sounds and visuals inspired by the '80s, New-York-born singer-songwriter David Diaz effortlessly sparks feelings of nostalgia and wonder in his listeners. David attributes his soulful vocals to powerhouses such as Sam Smith and Brayton Bowman, and his lyricism to songwriters like Julia Michaels and Sahsa Sloan.
Valentin Markvukaj is a Composer / Producer / Sound Engineer, who has been writing and performing music for more than 20 years. His work spans different genres with many artists around the world, and his unique creative flair makes him a force to be reckoned within the music industry.
I’m the guitar player / songwriter for the alternative metal band Wake Up Hate and hard rock band New Vegas. I have recorded all of the guitars on every song in the New Vegas discography. I love creating / performing music and would love to help you take your songs to the next level.
Unlock the full potential of your music with a Grammy-nominated Producer & Mix engineer trusted by global superstars and rising talents alike. With over a decade of experience crafting chart-topping hits for the likes of Justin Bieber, H.E.R., EXO, and more, I bring a proven track record of sonic excellence to every project.
Recent Successes
"Hollie is an angel. great singer, fast, lovely."
"Really terrific work from Liam. He really gets under the skin of what I'm trying to achieve, it's an absolute pleasure to collaborate with him!"
"Another great experience working with Daniel. This time he delivered some super exciting synth layers that made my track sound full and rich. He also did a terrific job on mixing the vocals. On to the next project! :)"
"Another dope track with ryan!"
"Working with Bailey is a top-notch experience from start to finish. Her voice is attention-grabbing, emotional, and completely unique. She's also an expert at background vocals and harmonies. On top of that, she's eas..."
"It's wonderful when you come in with strong ideas about a song to find a musician who can not only bring their own amazing creative choices to a project but still implement suggestions down to the finest detail; Felix..."
"I am so grateful for the fabulous job you have done. The arrangement you made for the song is amazing. So glad that we can work together again."
"Mphatic is professional with agreements so I know what to expect prior to working on the song. He also understands producing music for Sync (for ads, movies, series) so I didn’t need to explain that he needs to change..."
"Eric knows what he's doing and I can always count on him to deliver an awesome product. He responds promptly and is very easy to work with. Another fantastic project!"
"Ariel was absolutely phenomenal in mixing and mastering my EP. He always knows how to get every ounce of magic to come through in of every song I’ve given him, through his passion for music and his audio engineering ..."
"great work, amazing communication. for sure not the last time!!! thank you very much!"
"Jimmy D is an amazing engineer,creative genius & master of the craft it's always a pleasure to share conversation with him & learn more,Jimmy D knowledge holds more weight than gold. "