Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Heroica
I'm a Drummer, Producer and Mixing Engineer from colombia, i'm ready to work in your dream.
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I have won a Grammy Award (mixer - Kylie Minogue) and worked with some of the biggest names in pop and dance music, delivering 100s of productions, mixes and remixes to the world's best-known record labels. I'd love to work with your vision and ideas, bringing my experience to your music, songs and recordings.
Seasoned Professional Vocalist, Guitar, Producer 35+ Years Studio & Touring
Dougy Ahern tells timeless stories, blending together Roots, Rock and Americana. www.dougyahern.com
You're searching for a professional Sound Engineer for Mix and Master, a Songwriting-partner or a Remix for one of your Tracks? Then you've found what you search for. My Production Music is running at commercial TV, in Radio Stations and my own Music is available at any Streaming Services you know.
I look to create and touch up music that isn’t just lucrative, but lasts forever as a classic. I specialize in music production, and I also mix and master music as well.Worked with one local artist, but look to gain more relationships in a wider range.
I'm a producer, DJ, beat-maker, recording and mastering engineer for over 33 years. I've produced over 100 titles on seminal New York House and Electronic labels throughout the 1990s and early 2000s. These days I create under 'Son Of Sound'. As a producer I'm well versed in both contemporary and classic styles of Hip Hop, Pop, House and Indie.
Musician and sound engineer with an eclectic background in sound and music.
Hello, I am a mixing/mastering engineer, producer, lyricist, and recording engineer all in one. People started sending me their tracks from all over the world about a year ago for mixing/mastering and instrumentals. I stay working in music! Let me help mix and master a track for you. Let me create a hip hop instrumental for you to vibe to!
Recent Successes
"Tosh did a very good job on my song. She gave me exactly the type of feel and sound i was looking for. And she has a very helpful and cordial attitude as well. Thank you Tosh"
"John is class personified. Incredibly talented producer and instrumentalist. He went above and beyond to provide exactly the vibe I was looking for on the track. Also, he's an awesome guy and totally made me feel at h..."
"A pleasure to work with, he is an absolute genius! Exactly what I was looking for, and quickly too!"
"Connected with CA was quick! Sent a request, and within the same day I heard from him. He has been easy to get in touch with, and he has been as courteous and professional as I expected him to be. He gets 5 stars!"
"5/5, Rob does an amazing job every time!! He is my go-to engineer!! Thank you!"
"Collaboration is compromise and when the end product is as stellar as the 2 songs Giampaolo has produced for me, giving up on something for something else this producer thinks will work better, is completely worth it...."
"Dakari has been absolutely crucial in my transformation not just as a rapper, but as an artist. He has provided invaluable insight into the industry along with the quality work he produces. Easy to communicate with an..."
"I’m already in the process of working on a new job with Andrew, that should let you know how amazing his work is! Exceeded my expectations but also understood my vision and captured it. It’s a great feeling putting in..."