Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with jd martinez
I write and produce exciting and catchy melodies from pop to hip hop
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Mastering engineer
W/SCHWER Music Production was created by the music producer Jacek Wolański and offers various services like Sound Design / Soundtrack, Voice-over, Mixing & Mastering, or even Digital & Physical Distribution of the albums.
I am a house music producer! Lyricist and producer of House music! My instruments are Guitar and piano!Check out my songs in Spotify here: open.spotify.com/artist/0mzA5nMYXc5v00wuiaOckx
Classic top-Quality sound, Mixing and Mastering Engineer, just got my degree @ Berklee and I'm ready to rock!
beatmaker, rapper, mixing and mastering, old school hip hop, russian underground
I have been delivering results since 1994. My goal is to provide both a superior customer experience and tremendous value for my customers. I have over 32 years of experience in A/V and I am passionate about exceeding your expectations. I have access to top recording equipment but my main Toy is an SSL Duality.
With over 13 years of experience in live music settings & 7 years of studio singing, top lining, & songwriting, I'm sure to add even more magic to whatever you're working on! I write & record for music production companies Brand X Music, Position Music, & Industry Music, as well as various independent artists. I can't wait to meet you!
Recent Successes
"Lydia, along with being a quintessential professional, is also quite intuitive. All I have to do is hint at what I'm looking for, and she accomplishes it, as if she read my mind. It's as if she has access to my imagin..."
"Kate is the best!"
"Matty is my go to engineer. Always completes projects in a timely manner and takes the time to educate me on what I need to send him in order for the projects to sound their best"
"Another successful project completed with Max) It's always a pleasure to work with him and I am very happy with the result!"
"Matt is a true professional. The writer/vocalist dance is the most delicate of all sessions. Matt is 100% supportive, patient, and willing to do the work with an awesome attitude. Oh...and he delivers 10/10!! This is ..."
"It was the first time working with Philip but we can definitely recommend him - we are very happy about the result! We made a pop-radio-mix with additional production and we‘re excited to see how the audience will tak..."
"Guitar legend who poured his heart into our song and customized his creativity expertly. Thank you!"
"Hired Matt to mix our first two singles and he knocked it out of the park. Really can't overstate how much I appreciated his friendliness, timeliness, attention to detail, and the overall quality of the mixes. Absolut..."
"Mark delivers exactly what we've been talking about, and even more ways to play the bass. can clearly recommend Mark for many things :-)"