Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Kontravoid
Ewan is a mixing engineer, mastering engineer, music producer, and multi-instrumentalist. Having worked with major artists as Kontravoid, Zanias, Cadence Weapon, Austra, and many more he has the expertise needed to make your project stand out, sound professional, and ultimately to make you love your own music.
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I am a Nashville-based bass player that has played on several platinum albums and singles as well as Grammy and Emmy winning songs. You might have heard me on a country song like Girl Crush or Pontoon by Little Big Town or on a singer-songwriter song by Matt Nathanson or Juliana Hatfield. I love my job, and I hope that it is evident in my playing.
I am a songwriter, both in music and lyrics in English and Spanish. I am also a sessionist as a singer, electric guitar, acoustic and Spanish, electric bass, piano and synthesizers. My last years I was dedicated to music production and mixing works, developing my abilities beyond my role as a composer and interpreter.
Let's find YOUR SOUND! Let's finish those unfinished songs!
I am a singer, songwriter and composer. I sing and write in Spanish, English and French.
Summer of Love Music production. If you're after auto-tune and gated drums, you've found the wrong guy. If you want that 70s-sunglasses-4-track-sunny-afternoon-peaking-on-acid-wearing-denim-bellbottoms sound, get in touch!
I’m Michael Buchanan, an audio engineer and musician based in Northwest Washington state. I offer the following audio services: Mastering / Mixing / Stem Mastering / Audio Editing and Repair / Consulting + Tutoring.
Ewan is a mixing engineer, mastering engineer, music producer, and multi-instrumentalist. Having worked with major artists as Kontravoid, Zanias, Cadence Weapon, Austra, and many more he has the expertise needed to make your project stand out, sound professional, and ultimately to make you love your own music.
Hi I am logan, an English male producer, session player of the keyboard, songwriter, vocalist. I specialise in hip hop, pop and calm and upbeat music. I don't cost a lot for my services. I promise the best work I can do 100 percent of the time. I will incorporate your ideas and veiws and give honest feedback. Free until paypal Is sorted
Recent Successes
"I choose Cristiano because of the demo HH Factor ; ) He"s a smoth,funkey drummer ! We are still working on the project,but so far I have only good things to say : ) Easy to get in touch with,very nice & delivers..."
"A wonderful bass player and just a good guy. Communicative and accurative. Highly recommended."
"Great experience, managed to capture the exact vibe I was looking for in the track, and made an instrumental that was perfect for the track I wanted! The song has come out great, and is definitely a stand out on the u..."
"Amazing is not even the word. I don’t even know how to explain the vibe and the feel each of the tracks get after Ziv touches them. "
"Victor is really, really good. His musical instincts allow him to create very unique production ideas and he always makes our music sound much better."
"I already use Pablo for bass on my recordings and he is an awesome bassist, but this is the 2nd time I've asked him to record keyboards for a song. Not only can he play great keyboard parts but he has a producers ear,..."