Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with SOFT VEIN
Ewan is a mixing engineer, mastering engineer, music producer, and multi-instrumentalist. Having worked with major artists as Kontravoid, Zanias, Cadence Weapon, Austra, and many more he has the expertise needed to make your project stand out, sound professional, and ultimately to make you love your own music.
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Co-Founder of Headroom Studio in Mumbai, India. I specialize in Mixing and Mastering songs of any genre. Studied in Australia and even taught sound engineering and worked with some of the top music composers/producers in Bollywood and outside. I am known for my phat, punchy mixes maintaining the warmth and dynamics of the song.
Worked with LionsGate, Starz Network as a Music Producer and Mixing Engineer for a Tv Show
Natural High Music has maintained a strong presence on the Reggae/Dancehall charts since its inception in 2015. Securing a Grammy nomination in 2017 for Best Reggae Album (Chronixx's - Chronology) and with new partnerships with Delicious Vinyl, RCA Records and Virgin EMI for 2020 distribution, you can be sure that quality is always guaranteed.
Mixing Engineer, Mastering
Alvaro Preciado | Elemental, Corregidora Municipalityfavorite_borderfavoriteMixing Engineer, Mastering Engineer, FOH Engineer Mixing Engineer with more than 19 years of experience recording and mixing all kinds of music for a large variety of sound projects, in all genres. Dubbing series and movies for platforms such as Netflix, Televisa, Mexican Federal Government and State Governments and artist.
Mini Piling Contractors & Construction Company
Clarity and emotion to songs.
I was born in Barcelona, Spain. I write songs in different styles. I can write lyrics and instrumental compositions including its arrengements. My compositions are in English mostly, but I write also in Spanish, Catalan and Japanese. I have composed songs for TV ads (National TV), differents artists and videogames.
Produce fire beats, mix songs and more to create a sound to match what your ears want to hear! If you're looking for someone to create beats and enhance your sound quality, you've found him. Specialise in dark trap soul/ hip hop/ rap music production.
Recent Successes
"Brendan is such a pro and a fantastic human being. He is super talented, professional, communicative, and VERY patient! I feel like it's hard to find such a person like this to work with. And the most important of all..."
"Trey is a monster producer. If you want your song to be competitive out there (in the crazy music world) or just be the absolute best version you imagine, then don't waste any more time looking and just hire Trey. He'..."
"Great engineer, stuck with me through the whole process! "
"Really great job again mate. I know this was a tricky track to get right as it's pretty unconventional, but you were very creative in how you found space whilst still giving it the energy it needed. Thank you so much!"
"James is always great at getting back to me and letting me know timelines. His mastering work was terrific and he worked with me closely on my own preferences for the final products. Definitely recommend. "
"David was incredibly helped and did a great job. He also gave some very honest, constructive feedback, which I truly value. Thanks!"
"I will just quote one of his clients: Review by Marvin M. 7 months ago by Marvin M. Corey i don’t need words to say you’re 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥 That really best sums up his mixing abilities."
"Scott Foster Harris always hits a home run for me, taking ideas that can be challenging and in need of a little help, bit doesn't hesitate from stepping up to get the job done with talent and a professional and friend..."
"a wonder to work with. gave me exactly what I asked for and then some. amazing technicality ,tone, creativity and audio quality. I highly recommend and looking forward to working together on future projects. "