Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Luca Santamaria
Hi, I'm a producer from london with recording studio with access to a multitude of instruments mics and outboard gear with over 8 years experiencing mixing composing and writing music.
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The Leading Song Songwriter. I'm an Artist myself as well as a music fanatic and have been writing songs since 13 years old. After interning for Music studios like "Rough Magic Studios" and "Beats BK" I decided to work on my own album. I release my first album May 11 2018 titled "COLD". It was written, engineered and produced all by myself.
Hello, I am a singer and songwriter. I've been seen on the show the X-factor USA making it to the top 40 acts. for the past 20yrs I've been singing, writing and producing my own music, as well as writing for other artist. I am also a very experienced session vocalist and open to singing on tracks as well.
Elevate your sound with my mixing and services. I've worked on music that has been licensed by the NBA and have been mixing local artists for the past 10 years.
DJ Master
I specialize in R&B, pop, blues and rock guitar (both rhythm and lead). I love making guitar stacks and recording different textures of guitar. I provide guitar recordings that are ready to go, with very little mixing required. Looking forward to hearing from you!
First song is free
A professional drummer in his studio will write tracks according to your terms of reference
I write the most catchy chorus for metal, rock and electronic music.
Recent Successes
"Chad is an awesome guitarist and complete pleasure to work with. The only guitarist i will work with!"
"Perfect job as allways!"
"Marshall was great to work with. I had a session with plenty of live tracks that needed cohered. Marshall pulled everything together and brought the song to life. After the first pass, he made subtle tweaks according ..."
"It's always a pleasure and fun experience working with Carl. His production is chefs kiss, his communication is brilliant; and I truly feel like the production fits the vibe of each of my songs perfectly. Will be back..."
"Brandon was incredible. Not only did he crush the vocals, but the professionalism and care he took to get everything perfect was out of this world. One of the best artists I've ever worked with on Soundbetter. Highly ..."
"A pro. Rob just mixed an EP I've put together and was fantastic at every stage of the process. The end result sounds superb and night and day better than anything I could ever do. I hope to work with Rob again in the ..."
"Riley is an absolute pleasure to work with. Super responsive, he always gets back to my proposals immediately, and turns around the final version of my mastered tracks so quick. This last song literally took less than..."
"Stephen is an amazing artist and a true professional of the highest standards. He is a perfectionist and works very hard for you. A huge asset to have in your team and I will continue working with him on future projects."