Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Luko
Hi! I’m Luko, a dedicated and passionate music producer specializing in trap music. With 5 years of experience in mixing, mastering, and producing, I have honed my skills to deliver top-notch, industry-standard tracks that stand out in the competitive world of trap music.
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Hear music and get more info @ mollydurandmusic.com Hear Session Work under "SINGER" tab Relative Pitch, Reads Music, Harmony, Multiple Styles, Strong belt & runs/improvise fill, Operatic back-ground, 3-6 part harmonies, Can imitate artists if needed to sound like a particular singer. Text or call 323-337-4795
Hi - I'm a singer/songwriter based in Brooklyn. I'm also available for vocal production. My style is more laid back (Sade, Alicia Keys) with good range. I just love to create and contribute so let's make music!
I'm a producer/vocalist with over 6 years experience in the industry. I have worked with artists such as Armin van buuren, J Fla, Solstis, ARMNHMR, Pluko, and many others!
I write and record strings for commercial records; being an experienced improviser combined with classical training ensures the best result in any studio session. Recent releases with my stringlines include Arrdee & Greentea Peng. As a solo artist I'm known as The Grime Violinist: performing live electric violin to chart and rap around the world.
The song is everything. Let's make it sound tremendous!
Bash Luks, is a Ugandan singer-songwriter and music executive who is a founder and a member of Lot Fire Records.
I specialize in transcending your track from good, to great. I love helping execute the creative vision of individual artists, to make something they're even more proud of.
Hi! I’m Luko, a dedicated and passionate music producer specializing in trap music. With 5 years of experience in mixing, mastering, and producing, I have honed my skills to deliver top-notch, industry-standard tracks that stand out in the competitive world of trap music.
Recent Successes
"Natalie is fantastic! Always asking proactive questions so that she can offer you the most quality vocals. She was able to deliver above and beyond! Would recommend anyone who is hesitating... MESSAGE HER! She is love..."
"Wow, where can I begin? Rob not only brought my song completely to life - just destroying and amplifying the drums in the best way possible and making the vocals sound as clean as anything - he also gave me advice on..."
"Scott is a phenomenal human and mixing engineer. He handles revisions gracefully, accurately, and efficiently. Would recommend him to everyone I work with, a great ear who understands how to use his tools to get the b..."
"I highly recommend Waltz Mastering, good attention to detail and experienced ears and mind! 5 songs so far and happy with every one of them! "
"WOW The track was not easy at all but he crushed it big way like it it was nothing :D Everything Guitar delivered a fantastic performance, with the exact right color and energy. Needless to say that the recording qua..."
"Easiest to work with, always does great work, always goes above and beyond to make sure that I am satisfied with the final result. We've done a ton of projects together. He is my go to guy for mastering. I take for f$..."
"I rehired Brandon for the 5th time, and couldn't be happier with his vocal performance. Top notch professionalism from start to finish. Very easy to work with, and accommodated my deadline on short notice!"
"Great job, like always!"
"5 stars as always. Thorough and efficient work at the best quality. Thanks once again Eddy :)"