Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with R-GUN
It's sounds good. Cause I'm sound engineer. I worked with so many artist in past days, I'm always try to be creative and unique. I do emotion filled mixes.
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My name is Josh Wilson and I am the owner and head mastering engineer at New West Mastering in Calgary, AB. I have been working in the industry for over 10 years and that experience has led to mastering and mixing credits on hundreds of albums. My goal is to fulfil your vision and deliver your music in a polished and professional package.
Hi! I'm a young producer and mixing engineer that would like to show yourself to the world.
Grammy winner mixing engineer/producer. Based in Mexico City. Worked in London for 5 years. Specialities : Electronic, Pop, Rock, Hip Hop, World. Equipment used: SSL, Neve, Pultec, API, Shadow Hills, Empirical labs, Burl, A designs.
I am a rap artist from Columbus, OH. I have been writing music since the age of 14. I specialize in lyrics, content, song structure and arrangement.
Experimental sound make great music.
I develop sample packs, stems and complete tracks of EDM, Deep House, Electronic, Ambient and other genres. I use samples, digital plugins and analog machines to create music.
Looking to collaborate with artists with music that I produce. I can also make tracks based on the artist's desires.
Songwriter with over 60 million Spotify streams. Singer in Cattle & Cane & featured vocalist for the likes of Tenne Tonne Skeleton, Carstn, Jeonghyeon, Lucy Spraggan. Written songs for likes of Robbie Williams, Ward Thomas, Alice on the Roof. Numerous sync placements. Support from BBC Radio 1, 2, 6. Numerous New Music Friday music playlist support.
Recent Successes
"We’ve created 5 cinematic tracks. This our 3rd time collaborating. Chris is marvellously good at what he does and is absolutely dedicated in making awesome music! I’m forever grateful for Chris’s artistry. Thanks a m..."
"Great turnaround and communicated well. Really easy. Will definitely work with again!"
"Great experience- fast - professional - gave me exactly what I asked for ! Will definitely work with again"
"awesome work, communication , highly recommend. roy's a real g "
"Lev did a great job. Quick and easy communication. He created exactly the vocals I envisioned. I am thrilled and hope he works with me again soon."
"Veronica ha estado fenomenal, para ser mi primera experiencia he quedado muy contento. Cantante que ha sabido captar la canción, trabajando con rapidez y efectividad. Muchas gracias Veronica. Espero poder seguir colab..."
"I picked Roundrobin a few months ago to record Italian vocals on an original song I wrote for my daughter's wedding. When I finally contacted him about my project, my expectations were far exceeded! I am amazed how pe..."
"Alex truly captured the funk on drums for "Feel Good." Channeling the legendary stickmen behind James Brown, he laid down soulful percussion that perfectly fit the vision for the track. Locking into an infectious pock..."
"First time working with Sefi. The mix and final master track was fantastic, very happy with the result and am already planning to send more songs to Sefi for mixing. "