Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Skills Studio
Experienced rapper, sound engineer, and music producer offering high-quality mixing, mastering, and lyric writing services in Darija and English for artists in hip-hop, rap, and trap.
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I am a freelance recording engineer, and chief engineer at Harvestworks Studio PASS. I offer on-location and in-studio recording sessions, stereo and surround sound mixing, and digital/analog mastering.
For an Eargasmic High Quality product, take a chance with Manny On The Beats Productions!
It is not only recording songs, it is about recording the story!
Final year student (BASC) in Music Production and Technology looking to expand my portfolio and work collaboratively with great artists! Interested in Production and Mixing jobs with a personal interest in the Alternative/Indie genre. Let's work together!
Producing, mixing, mastering oriented to hard rock and heavy sound
Eduhelpersinn.com provides editing & proofreading service.
Production, mixing and mastering for independent artists on a budget! Produced and recorded music & videos with 1 mil+ streams, 10 mil+ views, featured in India's Got Talent & Pitch Perfect 2
The most professional and suitable bass lines for your music in no time. Check out my ig @nicolaspenso
Recent Successes
"I know I’ve already left reviews but I just can’t say enough about Blake! Awesome singer, great to work with and works hard and fast. Highly recommend for any project! "
"David again produced a flawless vocal mix for me. Turnaround time fantastic too. Recommend to anyone needing some vocal work"
"Larry added over a dozen different percussion instruments on our 7ish minute-long song. I am really Larry's communication and willingness to try different percussion ideas and I appreciate how we collaborate together ..."
"A real Pro! Good luck finding better on SB, I’ll wait! He took the song I wrote to the next level and had a great sense at which parts needed some love. Would 100% work with him again. "
"Jaime is a pleasure to work with. It is only a matter of time until she is added into the conversation of one the best singers you've heard. "
"amazing work! super happy with the result, will come back! "
"Scott is a superstar, the best of the best and always in perfect tune, inside and out!!! We've been working together for a few years now and each experience has been a God send, producing epic tunes along the way each..."