Mixing & Mastering Engineers, Producers & Songwriters who worked with Mind Enemies
I'm a drummer and guitar player and singer. I record, mix and mastering for myself from ten years. Pop/Rock/Metal
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Soulful silky vocals with millions views and streams on Youtube and Spotify.
We aim to be your one stop shop studio. Whether you need mixing, mastering, tracking, a practice space or even just singular instrument tracks, we have everything you need to accomplish your song.
I am a professional recording engineer, music producer, and writer from Los Angeles, California. In the city of greats, it takes a lot to stand out. After taking multiple classes in Mixing and Mastering and applying my skills in the industry producing and writing for over 2 years, I am confident that I can help you stand out.
Abnotix as a developing company is completely aware of the completion in the digital services arena.
Taking your creative ideas to the next level of reality. I am a multi-instrumentalist: Drums, guitar, bass, keys, vocals, and have been performing for over a decade. I can take the view of not only the listener but the artist as well. take a listen to my portfolio and hear what I can do for you.
Maya Studio is a recording studio from Argentina, with over 15 years working in the music industry. We currently have a team of 10+ engineers and music producers who actively work in different genres: Rock, pop, música urbana, folklore, soundtracks, and more.
Mixing Engineer and Songwriter looking to grow with like minded musicians and artists. Ranging from pop, dark pop, rock, I work with alternative artists in alternative subgenres to help grow their art into something fans can really connect with. The vocal is the most important thing I focus on, and how everything is arranged and balanced around it.
I´m a Music producer from House, Progressive House, and Deep House. Also, I compose music from Podcasts and Videos. I can personalize your music depending on the topic of audiovisuals.
Recent Successes
"He's the fastest musician I've worked with on SoundBetter. I almost didn't have to give him any instruction. He's so fast he had the song recorded before I sent him the music sheet ;)"
"This is our fourth song, and we are super happy with Clavin! Amazing songwriting technique but also creative in the editing process! Every time we play his voice for fans and friends they all ask who is that amazing..."
"Working with Aleesia was such an amazing and special experience. She is an incredible songwriter and vocalist. I love her collaborative spirit, and how she comes up with multiple versions during the songwriting proces..."
"Omar did an amazing job with the scarce concept I presented him with. He was patient with my edits and overall we came up with a legendary album cover. Thanks Omar. Really timely work as well. He finished everything I..."
"Nat is such a powerful and creative voice that adds so much to your project. Her voice is energetic and strong and she arranges such interesting harmonies. On top of all this, she is a pleasure to work with and a co..."
"305 horns are my go to horns players. Fast, great communication, stems are always in perfect condition to slot in. Makes my job as producer a ton easier. Highly recommend if you want a job done properly every time wit..."